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Unox Good Snacks

Gen Z <3 unox good snacks

Unox Good Snacks

Over the past year, we’ve seen instant noodles blow up on TikTok. But how do you make sure Gen Z chooses your brand?

Unox Good Snacks has your back!

Every May, there’s only one thing on the minds of our beloved target audience: the central exams. We decided to step in and ease some of that exam stress.

'Unox Good Snacks has got your back.' That was our mission. The perfect snack during or after studying. We sent fifty creators and exam candidates an Unox Good Snacks gifting box, wishing them good luck and providing them with the fuel they needed. This gesture resulted in a lot of earned content and happy exam-students. Obviously TikTok’s most talked about exam student Levi van de Brug had to join in this campaign, creating content for both the Unox Good Snacks channel AND his own. And guess what? He passed his exams! Coincidence? We don’t think so ;)







I want this


With a strategic eye, we dove into the lives of our target audience. We had to analyze and understand all of their moves, so that we would be able to start living and breathing their culture, beliefs, and language.

By creating content designed to win the hearts of Gen Z, we made Unox Good Snacks indispensable in the lives of our target audience. By adding two faces to the Unox Good Snacks brand channel, Appelkaas en Max, we created familiarity. And with our focus on community building, we made the brand feel like a real safe space for the viewers.

Tell me more

How do you make sure Gen Z chooses your brand? And how do you make Unox Good Snacks, a brand that's been available in stores for years, cool in today's young culture? Right: by becoming young culture. And that’s exactly what we did.

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